Are you capable or es-capable?

3 min readJan 30, 2022
Are you capable or es-capable?

In this complex world, a huge factor that determines whether you are capable or not is on the work field or on the field that you think you chose or desired to be in. Every day one wakes up in fear of or in love with the chosen mode of career. It’s important to know the type of career that you chose for yourself, whether it’s internally motivated or financially motivated or you’re just clueless of your passion and just wake up out of routine to go to work. you are about to spend the day as it comes and manage the day wishing you were somewhere else or be something else and yet can’t escape it and so you get into the tedious cycle of working.

If you are really passionate about your work, you are one of the lucky few who have understood their self and are ready to put your heart and soul into the desired work with no regrets at all. One doesn’t expect any benefits nor any perks nor any increments coz your passion drives you, gives that constant source of adrenaline that keeps you going and that which you look forward to get into day in and day out. You may have ups and downs in your life, but am assuming one would know how to handle as you don't have to constantly struggle with more mundane things as pushing yourself to go to work

I don’t have to question the ones who are self- actualized about their passions. I question the other 60% of the world, the category in which even I represent, how capable are you? Doing something of your own? Do you give a good thought before doing something or you are just prone to auto functioning? Like how I type in all my random thoughts in this blog knowing the world doesn’t give a damn to what I write. It’s almost relaxing when you use the keyboard to choose and write the musings while doing something you don’t want to do. See, this is what is happening to most of us or at least this is what I believe it to be happening to people. At least I take responsibility in what I take up to do and do a proper justice to what I do and i know this is just the reassurance I need to function and barely manage the day. When you are capable of doing something, responsibility and accountability, the former being my right hand and the latter my left hand, considering myself to be the Mafia of some sorts in my head, ready to function and salvage one more day not being a victor but an escapist. Thus being an escapist in the unescapable nitty grittiness, each day throws at me.




A reveller of all things serene and a traveller of a place called dreams